Support Our Educational Heroes
$1,424 of $55,000 raised
Support whistleblowers in K-12 schools by providing financial assistance for lost wages and legal representation in cases of wrongful termination. School boards often deploy teams of attorneys to suppress any teacher who speaks out against covert indoctrination in Florida schools. Many teachers cannot afford to take extended leaves from their careers to fight against unjust termination.
We seek your support in raising funds to provide legal representation for our courageous teachers and administrators who are willing to jeopardize their careers to protect the innocence of our children.
We need the help of every traditional man and woman in America to establish a fund for those who have the tenacity to challenge the agendas of their school system. When educators stand up for our children, we can reciprocate that kindness by helping pay for their legal representation. If you have any questions or wish to contribute to this effort in any other way please contact us today!