Petition For Inclusive And Balanced Education
The Situation
The rainbow, once a symbol of hope, has unfortunately transformed into a symbol of division and segregation. Our children deserve an education free from the influence of an adult culture war that revolves around sexual subjects, which have no place within our publicly funded institutions. We believe that taxpayer-funded schools should prioritize providing a well-rounded education, not promoting a specific political agenda.
It is essential that our schools become safe spaces for all children, where they can freely confide in guidance counselors and teachers without fear of dismissal or mistreatment based on their sexual preference or political agenda. We firmly believe that inclusivity should encompass every child, without exception.
The Solution
Together, we stand united in demanding an educational system that upholds the principles of fairness, balance, and respect for all individuals, regardless of their background or beliefs. Our children should be able to pursue their education in an environment that fosters unity, understanding, and acceptance.
How You Can Help
By clicking this link and signing our petition, we are taking a significant step towards building a brighter future for our children, one where they can grow and thrive without being subjected to unnecessary division or exclusion. Let our voices be heard as we strive to create an inclusive educational system that promotes the values we hold dear.
Any donations received will be used in our legal counseling fund for educators who have stood up for children’s and parents rights and subsequently lost their positions within a school system.